Online School Opens Bar Mitzvah Course to Anash Families

Due to high demand, the Nigri Jewish Online School of the Shluchim Office is now offering their popular Bar Mitzvah course to all Anash families. 

Due to high demand, the Nigri Jewish Online School of the Shluchim Office is now offering their popular Bar Mitzvah course to all Anash families. 

The Bar Mitzvah course is a 6-week course designed to teach each boy the content of his Bar Mitzvah Maamer, giving him an appreciation of its great significance. The class is taught by Rabbi Yitzchok Jacobs, an experienced and interactive Jewish Online School teacher, who has successfully taught this course multiple times to hundreds of students.

“Thank you so much for arranging this course, our son really enjoyed it,” shared parent Mrs. Rivky Gancz. “Rabbi Jacobs is a fantastic teacher who keeps the boys stimulated and engaged online. We appreciated that he started promptly and used every moment fully!”

The dynamic sessions combine the important Bar Mitzvah material with games and activities, creating an engaging and inspiring experience for each of the students. After many parents requested the course to be opened to all Anash families, the Jewish Online School has now opened registration to the public. 

“We are so excited to give every Bar Mitzvah boy the opportunity to take advantage of this special time to learn and grow,” said principal Mrs. Chanie Hertzel. “It’s been beautiful to see that even through a six week course, Rabbi Jacob’s dedication and warmth can really impact and inspire the students.” 

The next course will be starting on Sunday, Yud Daled Shevat / January 16. Parents can register now at and take advantage of the early bird rate ending on Sunday, Zayin Shevat / January 9.

The Nigri Jewish Online School, sister school to Nigri Shluchim Online School caters to families worldwide who don’t have access to Jewish education or prefer online learning.

Visit for more information and email [email protected] with any questions.

The Nigri Jewish Online School is a project of the Shluchim Office

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