Online Kollel for Retirees Sees Amazing Success

Seeing first hand the hardships covid caused to many seniors, Rabbi Menachem Smith of United Jewish Generations, started a Kollel Tiferes Zkeinim over ZOOM, offering retirees the opportunity to learn Torah and receive a monthly stipend.

The Rebbe initiated Kollel Tiferes Zekeinim, in memory of his father, as an opportunity for retirees and senior citizens to utilize their free time to learn Torah. In fact, this was the single project that the Rebbe wanted to dedicate to his father. 

The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy, the online Tiferes Zekainim Kollel, gives retired (or semi-retired) adults an opportunity to learn Torah, share thoughts, stimulate the mind, feel accomplished and receive a monthly stipend. No matter where you live, you can join. No travel necessary! The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy is accepting new applicants for the new session starting on Monday, 7 Iyar. There are two daily classes: 10AM-11AM Talmud and Tanya, 3PM-4PM a variety of Jewish topics. All classes are live on Zoom which is accessible for everyone – join on any device, even via a landline telephone.

What was the driving force behind this innovative program? During the year-long lockdown of Covid, when everyone was challenged with restrictions for their safety, the seniors were the most challenged for many reasons. Most significantly, they were the most vulnerable and required a very strict isolation. 

United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization for retirees and seniors, realized the hardships that the seniors faced and decided that this was an opportune time to start a Tiferes Zkeinim Levi Yitzchok Kollel over ZOOM. This would give the seniors a daily dose of Torah inspiration, an opportunity to interact with others, mind stimulation, and even a monthly stipend for those that join daily. “There were numerous obstacles and we had many people that were skeptical, but Baruch Hashem we persevered and went full force ahead,” said Rabbi Menachem Smith. “We even provided computers, computer training, troubleshooting, Judaic books for those in need.” 

Right after Sukkos, after consulting with various mechanchim and spreading the word via numerous avenues, United Jewish Generations started the first Tiferes Zekeinim Zoom Kollel. The Kollel has had a solid five months of daily learning, completing two chapters of in-depth Gemara learning, 10 chapters of Tanya, the entire book of Shoftim, more than 20 sichos, and many chapters of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and much more. 

The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy is now accepting more students, if you know of anyone that could benefit from this Kollel, please forward the info and have them apply online. More information is available at 


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