One Quarter of this Pro-Israel Rally Wrapped Tefillin

A contingent of bochurim joined the pro Israel rally at Columbia Circle in Manhattan on Sunday and wrapped tefillin with over 125 Yidden and gave out over 100 sets of Shabbos candles.

A contingent of bochurim joined the pro Israel rally at Columbia Circle in Manhattan on Sunday and wrapped tefillin with over 125 Yidden out of a crowd of 500 people.

Additionally, the bochrim gave out over 100 sets of Shabbos candles and signed up more than 100 people for a letter in the unity Torah.

At the rally, bochur Sruly Lebovic was even given the microphone by the organizers and shared the Rebbe’s message that a little bit of light can dispel lots of darkness. He encouraged all of the men to come and put on tefillin and the women to get Shabbos candles to light.

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