Old Recordings Shed New Light on the Rebbe’s Niggunim

Two recordings of Reb Yoel Kahn singing the Rebbe’s niggunim Hu Elokeihu and Ki Anu Amecha have recently been discovered, perhaps shedding light on the proper way to sing them.

By Anash.org reporter

Two recordings of Reb Yoel Kahn singing the Rebbe’s niggunim Hu Elokeihu and Ki Anu Amecha, have recently come to light.

These previously unheard recordings were made in Cheshvan of 5724, just a few weeks after the Rebbe taught the new niggunim on Simchas Torah.

Some have noted that Reb Yoel Kahn is well known for his precision and accuracy in niggunim, and considering the proximity to when the Rebbe taught the niggun, it is very likely that this is the most accurate version of the way it was originally taught by the Rebbe.

הוא אלוקינו

Hu Elokeihu

כי אנו עמך

Ki Anu Amecha


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  1. I once heard there was a slight change made to the niggun of Hu Elokeinu after Simchas Torah. Anyone aware of the details?

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