130 OK personnel and mashgichim, hailing from all corners of the globe joined the OK Kosher Annual International Rabbinic Conference on Monday in Crown Heights.
The OK held its Annual International Rabbinic Conference on Monday, 29 MarCheshvan, at Ulam Chana in Crown Heights. The conference was attended by over 130 OK personnel and mashgichim, hailing from all corners of the globe.
The event was catered by Bunch O Bagels, a local establishment which is certified by OK Kosher.
Speakers included Rabbi Chaim Fogelman, Executive Kashrus Vaad; Rabbi Shlomo Weinfeld, Executive Kashrus Vaad; Rabbi Chaim Shaul Bruk, Mashgiach and Rabbi in Bozeman, MT; Rabbi Chaim Ozer Metal, Mashgiach and Rabbi in Las Vegas Nevada; Rabbi Yakov Teichman, Rabbinic Coordinator; Rabbi Eli Lando, Executive Manager; and Rabbi Menachem M. Weissmandl shlita, Rav of Nitra Monsey who gave a shiur about Halachic issues with steam in industrial kashrus.
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