Ohr Menachem Principal Sets Challenge for Donors

In conjunction with the fundraiser to buy a house adjacent to cheder, the menahel Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz set a challenge for the many who benefit from his shiurim

In conjunction with the fundraiser to buy a house adjacent to cheder, the menahel Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz challenges the many followers and learners with his shiurim: Here’s your chance to make huge impact, and partner with me in creating future chassidim!

He challenged: For every 180$ [now matched, so cheder will receive $360!] he will record a NEW shiur for the ‘daily Tanya’ series, or in the ‘Shaar Habitachon’ series which the Zechus will stand for years to come – of so many who will learn chitas with these daily shiurim!

Express appreciation and gratitude by contributing any amount honoring any specific Shiur:

  • Rambam 3 Prokim,
  • Daily Chumash,
  • Masseches Sota,
  • Kol Hatorah Kula (Rambam 1 Perek),
  • Kitzur Shulchan Aruch,
  • Masseches Tomid,
  • Hilchos Tishrei adha”z,
  • Hilchos Pessach adha”z,
  • Masseches Megilla
  • Daily Tanya
  • Shaar Habitachon


Please contribute towards this vital campaign!

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