Ohr Menachem Hosts Heartening Avos Ubonim Melave Malka

Fathers of students at Cheder Ohr Menachem gathered with their sons for a lavish Melava Malka with learning, prizes, dancing, and a professional video presentation of a Gemara learned in cheder.

This past Motzei Shabbos, Parshas Vayakhel, Cheder ‘Ohr Menachem’ hosted an unforgettable Avos Ubonim Melave Malka. The event was marked by beautiful decor, a cut fruit display, and a coffee station. Each boy was presented with tailored learning materials for his grade level to study with his father, along with special raffle tickets.

The evening was emceed by Menahel Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz, who delivered an emotional Dvar Torah and presented every Melamed and Mechanech with a special gift – a sefer about the upcoming Yom Tov Purim. Rabbi Yossi Overlander, Vice Principal, led the Tzivos Hashem Hecherung promotion ceremony, awarding plaques and magnetic cards to boys who had achieved new ranks.

Rabbi Chanoch Hecht, who co-produced the event with Rabbi Avrohom Rainitz, thanked the teachers for their dedication, which resulted in entire classes being fluent in full Prokim of Tanya by heart. Boys who had already received their Seforim following the dancing at the end of the event.

The highlight of the event was a professional video presentation of a Gemora Sugia on ‘Mori Bar Isak’ (Hamafkid), which left the crowd spellbound. The evening concluded with joyous dancing among fathers, sons, and hanhala, with special prizes awarded through raffle tickets throughout the learning. It was truly an unforgettable night!

Special Thanks to Rabbi Othniel Nizard and Rabbi Shlomi Frishman and co for all the logistics and arrangements.


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