Ohr Hachasidus Illuminates 19 Kislev with Huge Seforim Sale

In honor of Yud Tes Kislev, Ohr Hachasidus held a special Seforim sale during the past few days that captivated the hearts of frum communities across the Greater New York Area.

In honor of Yud Tes Kislev, Ohr Hachasidus held a special Seforim sale during the past few days that captivated the hearts of frum communities across the Greater New York Area. The organization employed its two innovative Seforim trucks to traverse neighborhoods, bringing a wide selection of over 300 Seforim titles directly to the doorstep of eager buyers.

Communities in Williamsburg, Monro, and Kiryas Yoel flocked to the mobile Seforim stores. This year’s expanded selection marked a significant departure from the past when only 20 Seforim titles were available. The success of this endeavor was made possible by the unwavering support Ohr Hachasidus received from Anash in Crown Heights and supporters around the world.

The Seforim trucks, transformed into mobile stores, served as a beacon of light, allowing buyers to peruse and select from a wide array of Chassidic literature. Many buyers expressed their year-long anticipation for this special sale. “Its amazing to see the light of Yud Tes Kislev shine not just through the pages of the books but through the hearts and homes of the community,” says Rabbi Avraham Mann, founder of Ohr Hachasidus.

The success of this year’s Seforim sale underscores the unity of the global Anash community in supporting initiatives that bring Torah wisdom to the masses. As the mobile Seforim stores rolled through the streets, they carried not only books but the essence of Yud Tes Kislev—a celebration of illumination, inspiration, and the enduring legacy of Chassidic teachings.

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