Ohr Elchonon: A Beacon of Torah Education Illuminating Los Angeles

In a personal message, Rabbi Ezra Schochet shares the meaning of light and how it’s connected to the campaign for the growth and development of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad in Los Angeles.

We have just entered Chodesh Adar marking the beginning of 60 days of increasing joy – 60 days of increasing light!

As the first Yeshiva in Los Angeles, Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad stands as a beacon of light to our community, illuminating each Bochur with a rich Torah education that empowers them to live Torah values in each moment of their lives.

“Light, does not alter anything. Rather, it just reveals the true reality. The Hebrew word Olam means Helem, hidden. It shows us that the world’s true essence and the potential for a perfect existence are concealed.” says Rabbi Schochet 

“The Torah unveils this, and specifically in the month of Adar, we see its manifestation – the miracle of Purim which occurred through natural vessels, impacting not just the physical but also the spiritual. That is what we teach here at YOEC – that the bochurim should come to this realization which comes from the study of Torah together with Chassidus.”

B”H the Yeshiva has been growing and expanding every year. It is with your support and generosity that we can do it, and we thank you so much!  

Our parent body and our Talmidim know that Torah education is our top priority at YOEC. Scholarships are extended to over 85% of our students, to ease any financial burden and ensure each Talmid’s continued success.

Every candle requires one thing: fuel. Without fuel, we cannot be the Ohr we have to be for our students. The fire that we ignite today will continue to be the beacon that will lead us to a time when all things are revelaed, with complete clarity, with the coming of Moshiach, may it be speedily in our days.

Please join our annual campaign at http://charidy.com/yoec/rosh

Your contribution will Give the Light of Torah and help saturate this world with Our Ohr!

Rabbi Ezra Schochet

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