Oholei Torah Graduation Celebrates Teachers and Students

Photos: David Katash/Anash.org

The eighth grade of Oholei Torah marked their graduation on Sunday with a celebration that highlighted the joint effort of the students, parents and melamdim to bring the students to where they are today.

Oholei Torah celebrated its 8th-grade graduation with talmidim, their families, melamdim and hanhala in attendance.

The program began with the talmidim being represented on stage by a few of their classmates. Talmidim made siyumim, celebrating Torah accomplishments from the past year.

Representatives of the students, parents and melamdim spoke, each delivering a message on behalf of their entire group. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, also addressed the crowd.

Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelmmenahel of the 8th grade, thanked the parents for the yiddishe chinuch they gave over to the boys, from the beginning. He thanked each teacher individually and gave a gift of appreciation from the yeshiva.

Recognition was given to the boys who come from out of town, leaving their homes at a young age to be able to participate in an environment of learning and ruchinusdik growth.

The program ended with each melamed presenting his students with their diplomas.

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