Ohel Line Will Be Non-Stop for Entire 3 Tammuz Weekend

The Vaad Hamesader at the Ohel has notified that entry to the Ohel for the entire Gimmel Tammuz weekend will be via a non-stop line. 

The Vaad Hamesader at the Ohel would like to notify that beginning Thursday 1st Tammuz 8pm, until Friday 2nd Tammuz 6pm and again Motzei Shabbos 3rd Tammuz 9:30pm, until Sunday evening 4th Tammuz 9pm – entry to the Ohel will be via a non-stop line. 

‘Maane Loshon’ and Tehillim should be read while waiting in line. Inside the Ohel you will only have time to place your Pan whilst walking around the Ohel. Please plan accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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