NYPD Protects Crown Heights as Protestors Call to Destroy Israel

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

Close to 2,000 NYPD officers were stationed throughout the entire Crown Heights and surrounding areas over Shabbos as 7,000 protestors marched in support of Hamas while calling for Israel’s destruction.

By Anash.org reporter

Close to 2,000 NYPD officers were stationed throughout the entire Crown Heights and surrounding areas over Shabbos as 7,000 protestors marched just blocks away in support of Hamas while calling for Israel’s destruction.

The proximity of the protest, which began at the Brooklyn Museum on Eastern Parkway, raised concern with many residents of the Jewish community of Crown Heights. Shomrim and local activists called for community members to keep a distance from the area surrounding the protest location.

According to the New York Post, many of the protesters openly cheering Hamas terrorists’ barbaric attacks on Israel — and justifying the murders of innocent mothers and babies.

The demonstrators — holding signs with antisemitic slogans such as “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free” headed north along Flatbush Avenue to the  Barclays Center, and then converged on the Brooklyn Bridge, stopping traffic on the Manhattan-bound side around 6 p.m. as some scaled metal barriers and triumphantly waved Palestinian flags.

Before the rally, former City Councilman David Greenfield, a Brooklyn Democrat who now heads the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, lashed out at the protests’ sponsors for choosing to hold an anti-Israel protest on Shabbat in Crown Heights, which has a sizable population of Hasidic Jews.

“It’s not an accident that pro-Hamas activists would pick this place to protest Jews,” he said.

In Crown Heights, over 120 NYPD cars and more than 450 NYPD officers were stationed in a show of force to secure the community. Heavy concentrations of NYPD officers were stationed near high-profile locations such as 770 and Oholei Torah.

Eastern Parkway was shut to traffic by barricades and NYPD officers from Albany Ave past 770, and NYPD helicopters flew overhead.

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  1. The headline struck me as off the mark.
    Hashem is the only One Who Protects us.
    Boruch Hashem, NYPD was stationed all over Crown Heights in a show of tremendous support.

  2. How many of the “protesters” would even be able to find Israel on a map or have any clue what is really happening.
    May Hashem open our eyes and the eyes of all people the the truth.

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