NYPD Allows Eastern Parkway To Close Twice in One Month

In a noteworthy decision, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) has agreed to close Eastern Parkway twice within a single month, once for the Lag B’omer parade, and the second for the Siyum Harambam.

In a noteworthy decision, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) has agreed to close Eastern Parkway twice within a single month.

This agreement allows for the grand celebration of Siyum HaRambam to take place on Tuesday, Gimmel Sivan, May 23rd, despite the Parkway’s recent closure for the Lag B’Omer parade just two weeks prior.

The Siyum HaRambam, a significant event marking the completion of the study of the entire Mishneh Torah – Rambam, will now occur on Eastern Parkway “In Front of 770.” This mirrors the previous Siyumei HaRambam held on Gimmel Tammuz 5781 and Lag B’omer 5782.

This year’s Siyum carries additional resonance as it coincides with the anniversary of the Rambam’s miraculous rescue from a shipwreck, as detailed in his personal writings.

Following the Siyum, a grand musical program is planned, featuring renowned Jewish singers Avraham Fried, Benny Friedman, Eli Marcus, and the Yingerlach Choir. They will unite the spirit of the Rebbe and the Rambam in the Year of Hakhel.

Leading rabbis and speakers will also share insights on the significance of the Siyum HaRambam with the crowd. Multiple video presentations will bring the teachings of the Rambam to life.

“As anticipation and excitement continue to build towards this momentous occasion, we wish that this event leads us to the Great Hakhel of “all Jewish men, women, and children” in Yerushalayim with the coming of Moshiach imminently,” organizers said.


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