As Yidden around the world prepare for Shnas Hakhel, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus has launched a new Hakhel resource site, with hundreds of pages of content in English, Yiddish and Hebrew.
As Yidden around the world prepare for Shnas Hakhel, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus has launched a new Hakhel resource site, with hundreds of pages of content in English, Yiddish and Hebrew.
The site includes a large selection of the Rebbe’s Sichos on Hakhel along with practical suggestions and resources to assist you in implementing your very own Hakhel gathering with your family, friends and co-workers.
Also featured is a large collection of reading material, videos and a section dedicated to child-friendly material.
The website will continue to be updated daily, with new and exciting content.
Browse the site at
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