Now Playing on Spotify: The Rebbe Sings the Tunes of his Youth

A beautiful new collection of Nigunei Nikolaev, containing nigunim from the town of Nikolaev where the Rebbe was raised, as sung by the Rebbe himself, is now playing on all major music streaming apps.

The city of Nikolaev in southern Ukraine, birthplace of the Rebbe, is uniquely rich with centuries of chasidic history, and was home to many great chasidim. The Rebbe’s own maternal grandfather, Rabbi Meir Shlomo Yanovsky, served as its chief rabbi. The Rebbe lived there for the first seven years of his life and continued to visit his grandparents periodically in the years following.

The heartbeat of Nikolaev was its famed chasidic composers, and the various nigunim they wrote. Prominent Chassidim of Nikolaev included the Charitanow brothers, Reb Osher Grossman (“Nikolaever”) and the Althoiz family, baalei neginah who composed and shared unique tunes still sung in Lubavitch today.

The Rebbe had a special fondness for these songs of his youth, singing them on many occasions at farbrengens and teaching some of them on Simchas Torah.

In connection with Gimmel Tammuz, JEM has published an album of The Rebbe Sings (Nigunei Hisva’adus), dedicated entirely to the Nigunim of Nikolaev. 

This is the second album of “The Rebbe Sings” collection recently published on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, 24Six.

Click here for The Rebbe Sings — Album One from JEM, currently playing on Spotify and all major music apps.

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