No Laundry on Friday?

Ask the Rov: Is there a problem to wash cloths on Friday for Shabbos?

By Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin – Rov of Anash in Petach Tikvah

The possuk refers to Shabbos as mikra kodesh, “a day to be declared holy.” Chazal explain that one is to sanctify and honor the Shabbos by wearing clean clothing.1 Some understand this obligation to be min hatorah, while others hold it is miderabanan. Either way, the Alter Rebbe notes how one ought to be very careful in this regard, as the words of the Chachomim are viewed more stringently than the words of the Torah.2

The Gemara records that Ezra Hasofer established that laundry should be washed on Thursday to ensure one will have clean clothes in honor of Shabbos, and this is brought as halacha.3 One may wash clothing for Shabbos earlier in the week, though it’s preferable from Wednesday on, so it is noticeable that it is for Shabbos. One who has clean clothes for Shabbos need not wash more clothes on Thursday.4

Poskim add that the ordinance was specifically to wash before Friday, when one is busy with more timely Shabbos preparations and doesn’t have time to wash clothes. The implication is that clothing should not be washed on Friday.5

However, contemporary poskim debate whether this limitation applies nowadays when washing machines and dryers make laundry chores easier and more time efficient. Indeed, some hold that the decree is no longer applicable since the washing won’t significantly detract from other Shabbos preparations. Others raise concerns of the machine not working properly or for those without a machine. The accepted minhag is to permit it, yet, one should be conscious not to compromise any other Shabbos preparations.6

Moreover, the Alter Rebbe writes that the takana to wash clothes was timed for Thursday because Friday is busy, but not that Friday is prohibited. It would emerge that when the washing is efficient and doesn’t detract from other preparations, it may be l’chatchila done on Friday, even for clothes needed only after Shabbos.7

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From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash


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  1. I was sure this would be about doing laundry on Rosh Chodesh (and that it may be done when Rosh Chodesh is Erev Shabbos).

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