No Complaining

In the Rebbe’s interactions, a distinction was always drawn between sharing challenges, and complaining. When an early shliach regretted having asked to be relieved of his shlichus, the Rebbe stipulated that there would be no complaining.

In the Rebbe’s interactions, a distinction was always drawn between sharing challenges, and complaining.

One of the early shluchim complained to the Rebbe about his hardships and disappointments with his hafatza work, and asked that the Rebbe relieve him of his Shlichus.

The Rebbe heard him out and then sighed. “Until now there were fourteen million Yidden who struggle to accept my approach,” the Rebbe said, “and now another one has been added…”

The young shliach caught himself, and immediately said, “If so, I am recommitting myself to my Shlichus!”

The Rebbe accepted his words, but said, “On the condition that there is no complaining!”

(Hiskashrus Issue 851)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash

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