A father and son learning program will take place this Chol Hamoed at Merkaz Avreichim – 466 Albany Ave. Participants can win a $100 gift card and other prizes.
The days of Chol Hamoed are a special time that our children look forward to a whole year. These are days of שמחה — and it is a mitzvah to be משמח our children. What we must always remember is the greatest way we can be משמח our children is by spending time with them “learning תורה that is שקול כנגד כל המצות כולן“.
This year Avos Ubanim has arranged a special Chol Hamoed Program for our boys with their fathers on Wednesday during Chol Hamoed from 7:15 until 8:15. and Thursday during Chol Hamoed from 6:00 until 7:00 in the evening followed by Maariv.
A $100 gift certificate will be raffled off besides many other amazing prizes. It will take place at 466 Albany Ave. in the Merkaz Avreichim Shul.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Let us give the Rebbe a real nachas ruach by going above and beyond for מבצע תורה.
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