Newly Recorded Niggun Dedicated In Mashpia’s Memory

A new remake of a classic Chabad niggun by ba’al menagen Rabbi Menachem Amar was dedicated to the memory of mashpia Rabbi Zushe Posner who passed away this month.

A new remake of a classic Chabad niggun by ba’al menagen Rabbi Menachem Amar was dedicated to the memory of mashpia Rabbi Zushe Posner who passed away this month.

The newly remade niggun was presented by the ‘Gaaguim’ Chabad Nigunim channel. The nigun, named “Niggun for Shabbos and Yom Tov” is Nigun 95 in Sefer Niggunim. Chassidim recall that this niggun was often sung by the Frieddiker Rebbe in preparation for a maamer.

There are many Chabad niggunin known simply as “Niggun L’Shabbos V’Yom Tov”, and although we do not know the source of some of the niggunim, they are each filled with emotion and feeling.

The song is a release from the upcoming album ‘Gaaguim 6’, an album of Chasidic melodies in the authentic style of yesteryear.

The first four albums can be streamed free on


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