Newest Derher Highlights Gimmel Tammuz; 40 Cycles of Rambam Study

This year, Gimmel Tammuz coincides with an important milestone: the 40th Siyum HaRambam. In the latest issue of the Derher magazine, readers are treated to a beautiful pictorial overview of each year of the Rebbe’s nesius, plus a unique farbrengen on the impact of daily Rambam learning.

As we approach yet another Gimmel Tammuz, our longing to see the Rebbe again is stronger than ever. True, we are assured that לא עזב הרועה את צאן מרעיתו—our faithful shepherd has not forsaken us; and we see in our own lives—and also in the world at large—how the Rebbe is with us every day and is more alive and more active with each passing year. Nevertheless, after almost 27 years in this long and bitter galus, we cry out to Hashem: “Ad mosai!” We want to be reunited with the Rebbe, immediately!

This year’s Gimmel Tammuz coincides with an important celebration: the 40th Siyum HaRambam. Now that we are concluding the study of Rambam for the 40th time—as Chazal say, after forty years we reach a new level of understanding in our learning—the siyum occurs on the day of Gimmel Tammuz.

In the latest issue of the Derher magazine, readers will find a wealth of information on both of these topics:

  1. A beautiful pictorial overview of each year of the Rebbe’s nesius, including important subjects that the Rebbe addressed during those years. This unique collection of photographs and words of the Rebbe are an important part of maintaining a meaningful hiskashrus, as explained by the Rebbe many times.
  2. “Hisvaadus Chassidim”—a unique farbrengen with a wide range of personalities discussing the importance and impact of daily Rambam learning. Readers will also learn tips and gain inspiration for this most vital part of our lives as Chassidim.

Order the special Gimmel Tammuz Derher edition today and save 15%!

With the following promo codes:
Yearly subscription: 3TAMMUZ-YEARLY
Monthly Subscription: 3TAMMUZ-MONTHLY

Offer expires Daled Tammuz.


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