New York City “Conquered” by Mitzvah Tank Parade

Photos: Mendy Kotlyar/

Gallery 2: Two simultaneous parades took place on Wednesday, Yud Alef Nissan, celebrating the Rebbe’s 119th birthday. The Tanks spread offered passerby a chance to put on tefillin, and reminded them about the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach.

Photos: Mendy Kotlyar/

Two simultaneous parades took place on Wednesday, Yud Alef Nissan, celebrating the Rebbe‘s 119th birthday.

The first parade, arranged by a group of energetic bochurim, began during the grand children’s rally at 770 Eastern Parkway, and were seen off by the thousands of children gathered there.

A second parade took place a short while later, arranged by Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim of Poconos, with over 35 vehicles taking part.

Both sets of tanks spread out throughout NYC, offering passerby a chance to put on tefillin, and reminding them about the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach. The “tankistim” handed out thousands of shmura matza packets and laid Tefillin on hundreds, who warmly thanked them for the opportunity.

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