New Yeshiva to Open in Eretz Yisroel for English-Speaking Bochurim

A new yeshiva for English-speaking bochurim opening in Eretz Yisroel promises to give individualized attention to every bochur, helping them reach their full potential. Rabbi Chaim Moss will be serving as menahel, and Rabbi Shimon Garbose will be the Rosh Yeshiva.

By reporter

A new yeshiva for English-speaking bochurim will be opening in Eretz Yisroel for the 5782 yeshiva year, to answer the need for additional smaller yeshiva gedolos with individualized attention to every bochur.

Rabbi Chaim Moss will be serving as menahel, and Rabbi Shimon Garbose will be the Rosh Yeshiva. The mashpi’im of the yeshiva will be long-time educators Rabbi Meir Levinger and Rabbi Elchonon Cohen. Rabbi Yosef Malkin will also be joining the yeshiva, as educational counselor. 

“We decided to open the yeshiva after consulting with hanhalos of a number of Chabad yeshivos, who strongly encouraged the idea, stressing the need for additional smaller yeshivos with individual attention,” Rabbi Moss said.

The focus of the new yeshiva will be on working with every bochur on his own level, developing a connection and motivating and inspiring each one to accomplish their utmost, and beyond, in the time they are in yeshiva.

“We want every bochur who comes to have a clear vision of what they are setting out to accomplish, and we’ll help them articulate that vision,” Rabbi Moss said. “Each bochur should feel that they belong, and that they are going to Yeshiva with a sense of purpose and drive.”

Each member of the hanhala has served in the world of chinuch for a number of years, giving them the background needed for this new project. Rabbi Moss directed the men’s division of Mayanot in Jerusalem for over 15 years and Rabbi Garbose taught in the Mayanot smicha program for over a decade. Rabbis Levinger and Cohen have also spent many years teaching and mentoring bochurim and adults.

“The process for every student who stepped through our doors and sat with me in the office at Mayanot, is that we would develop together a very clear vision based on where they were coming from,” Rabbi Moss said. “We would very specifically define what their goals are, both academic and personal, and then we would go about working out how to get them there.”

“We felt that we’d like to be able to cultivate a similar sense of purpose, ambition and focus for our very own Temimim, Chabad bochurim,” he said

The yeshiva will be offering a unique study regimen, with the hanhala working to develop an ambitious curriculum for Nigleh and Chassidus that will incorporate engaging shiurim as well as having each bochur develop their independence. In Nigleh, the bochurim will be developing abilities for learning Rishonim and Achronim and deeper learning on their own. In Chassidus, the goal is to have each bochur gain the ability to learn Hemsheichim and more complex Maamorim and concepts on their own.

“We are honored to present bochurim with an opportunity to ignite the love of Torah in their hearts, and to really get a good understanding of what the depth and scope of Torah is, in a serious way”, Rabbi Garbose said.

The staff will be listening, engaging, and individually guiding the Bochurim, building up each bochur from their current place – an approach they like to call “milemato lemalo”.

In Rabbi Cohen’s words: “The educational mission is to meet the Talmid where he is, and give him the tools to develop and maximize his abilities as he deepens his connection to the learning and the learning experience”.

Rabbi Malkin said, “The most important factor for a bochur to have a chayus, is to be able to ‘find themselves’ in what they’re learning. This only happens when there is a comfortable, open (non-judgmental) and mature environment where the staff is also learning in such a way”

A special focus will be given to the personal relationship between members of hanhala and every bochur in the yeshiva. 

“It is of upmost importance that there be a real and honest relationship between a maggid shiur or mashpia and the student. That connection is the foundation upon which everything else is built upon, and the learning – especially the Chassidus – has to be personally relevant,” Rabbi Levinger said. “So the only way for a bochur to engage with that on a deep level is with maturity and self-reflection, and this is why a real connection with hanhala is so important.”

Rabbi Zalman Shimon Springer, who advised the Hanholo on some aspects of the Yeshiva, says that he is impressed by the new Yeshiva’s vision, and says has no doubt that the bochurim who join the yeshiva will experience a year that goes way above any of their expectations.

“The open and honest approach taken by the staff, that sees every individual Bochur as an entire world, represents a refreshing perspective in helping bochurim,” he said. “Anyone looking for real growth and an all-encompassing Yeshiva life, while in the unparalleled environment of Eretz Yisroel, should hope to have the z’chus to be accepted to join the Yeshiva.”

In addition to the high standards in learning, the physical needs of the Bochurim will also be provided to the fullest extent and with the highest standards. The yeshiva will be located in a Chabad English-speaking community in the Jerusalem region, with the exact location to be announced in the coming weeks. 

The yeshiva will be opening for the 5782 yeshiva year with a limited number of spots. To find out more about the yeshiva, click here. To apply to the yeshiva, click here

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  1. I’ve seen all of these educators at work for 2+ years and can attest to their above and beyond ability to teach, inspire, and unearth buchrim’s potential. Very exciting!!

  2. BH
    Rabbi Garbose is a TREMENDOUS talmid chocham. I have personally witnessed his bekius in Shas on multiple occasions, he is also extremely caring and sensitive to people’s needs.

  3. I had the tremendous zchus of being under the tutelage of the members of this hanhalo when I learned at Mayanot.

    i could write a very long list of the maylos of each member of this hanhala, both in their talents as mashpiim and as magidei shiur. Suffice is to say that any bochur or parent should definitely give serious consideration to this new mosed.

    All those involved in this new venture should have a tremendous amount of hatzlocho.

  4. I have known Rabbi Chaim Moss for decades and have discussed Chinuch with him on several occasions, including this new project. On the one hand Chaim Moss takes a very professional approach with experts & professionals on his board of advisors. On the other hand it is all about the student. In my opinion, over the decades there has been a tendency for (Chabad) Yeshivos & hanholos to shift focus from the individual student to concern for the yeshivas perceived needs, as if these were sometimes in conflict. Rabbi Moss’s vision for this new Yeshiva is so refreshing and inspiring. When I first heard of Rabbi Moss’s plan, I recognized that this is what the system desperately needed. I know Chaim, he means what he says & he will deliver. I wish him every success.

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