New Weekly Shiur Curriculum Presents a Sugya for Each Parsha

New for this year, the Tzfunot Institute, headed by Vancouver shliach Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, presents an innovative curriculum of shiurim consisting of a weekly shiur covering a ‘sugya’ related to the parsha.

New for this year, the Tzfunot Institute, headed by Vancouver shliach Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, presents an innovative curriculum of shiurim consisting of a weekly shiur covering a ‘sugya’ related to the parsha.

Part of the popular Talmud La’am project, which so far ran successfully in over 75 cities, ‘Sugya B’Parsha’ follows the previous ten series’ designed to make in-depth Talmud study accessible, engaging, relevant and geshmak to all!

The ‘sugya’ revolves around an engaging and interactive talmudic discussion, which will often include a lomdishe ‘chakira’ or a halachic discussion made relevant and practical for life today. For example: Can the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim be preformed over zoom (Parshas Vayeira)? What is the Torah’s perspective on incarceration (Parshas Mikeitz)? Is the Even Hashtiya indeed located in the Dome of the Rock today (Parshas Vayeitzei)?

Each class is designed to empower teachers with various tools and teaching methods to make the lomdus of gemara clear and accessible, and to provide students with the tools to expand and enhance their talmudic skills.

‘Sugya B’Parsha’ covers an array of subjects and is geared towards any student who wishes to experience in-depth learning or enhance talmudic skills. The professionally developed courses are sure to bring the educational offerings of Chabad Houses, Batei Midrash, and even Yeshivos, to the next level.

For more information and/or to register, please reach out to [email protected].

Click here to download a table of contents.

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