New Website Offers “Animations That Make Your Neshamah Smile”

Communicated Content – “Animations That Make Your Neshamah Smile” is the new, premier animation website for Chassidishe middostochen, and stories that are Rabbinically approved for children ages 4-bas/bar-mitzva as well as adults. – “Animations That Make Your Neshamah Smile is the new, premier animation website for Chassidishe middos, tochen, and stories that are Rabbinically approved for children ages 4-bas/bar-mitzva as well as adults. “We get many calls from parents thanking us not only for the chassidshe tochen but for the humor targeted at adults!” says Avrahom-Moishe Erlenwein, co-Founder at Ruchnii Studios.

Ruchnii Studios was formerly Torah Luminations. Avrahom-Moishe shares the motivation behind the new website and name:

“We wanted to rebrand our name to make it easier to remember, a quicker address to type but most importantly, be instantly associated with what we want to provide, BS”D, to children around the world by watching our videos: RUCHNII : “Animations That Make Your Neshamah Smile!”.

“Much of the videos that are available today are like “nosh” – it might taste good, is kosher, but not exactly what you’d want your child to eat. Our videos are like organic food – it tastes good and is good for you! Parents that are very careful with the Chassidishe chinuch and middos of their children are very mindful of what their kinderlach eat and want them to have what’s actually going to be healthy for them as well as give them the energy to serve Hashem. It’s the same for the neshamah. We want to provide content that makes the neshamah smile and feel good every time children or adults watch our videos while at the same time being extremely entertaining!”

Another reason for the new website is to provide an easy way to enjoy watching the videos:

  • No downloads. No apps – nothing to install!
  • Watch on most devices that have Chrome or Safari browsers!
  • Just login and watch!

Episode 8 of Tales of the Baal Shem Tov was recently released featuring two stories (see trailer below):

  • Story #1: Reb Adam Baal Shem & the Wicked Minister Finale
  • Story #2: The Origins of the Baal Shem Tov.

Episode 9, which will feature the Baal Shem Tov as a child and being introduced to the Tzaddikim Nistorim, is slated to be released on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, BZ”H.

We’ve been so busy this past year training a new animator, pushing the bar for the quality of our animation, and creating this website that we haven’t been able to produce content as fast as we would’ve liked. We are only two animators doing the work that normally takes a full-team. Now, we are ready to get back to a monthly schedule, BZ”H. Not only a regular production schedule but after Episode 9, we are going to announce a new series from a classic source of Chabad stories to be added to the ever-growing library of videos for our subscribers!

Watch NOW! @ or contact us [email protected] 1.833.867.2458.


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