A group of Crown Heights businessmen met this week with the Hanhala of the Central Tomchei Temimim, to form a new committee that will serve to strengthen Tomchei Temimim at 770.
Preparations are underway for a historic milestone. In just a few weeks Chasidim will mark 125 years since the founding of Tomchei Temimim.
A group of Crown Heights businessmen met this week with the Hanhala of the Central Tomchei Temimim, to form a new committee that will serve to strengthen Tomchei Temimim at 770.
The meeting was hosted at the home of Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, mashpia of 770 Yeshiva, and was attended by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Zalman Labkowski, administrator Rabbi Moshe Meir Gluckowsky, and members of the new committee: Ari Minkowitz, Berel Junik, Meir Bukchin, Meir Kabakov, Menachem Gurevitch, and Yudi Grunberg.
Mendel Mintz has been appointed by the new committee to oversee future projects pertaining to expansion and development.
Also present at the meeting were members of the Igud Talmidei Hakvutza: Rabbis Chaim Meir Zalmanov and Shlomo Wilhelm, as well as Rabbi Dovid Leib Grossbuam.
The committee members, together with the leadership of the Yeshiva, discussed the growing need for expansion in learning space, additional dormitories, as well as additional staff.
Indeed, this upcoming year a record number of students have applied, totaling over 800 bochurim from all over the world.
Of the stated goal and mission of this monumental committee, a large component is to ensure that every bochur who is accepted by the Hanhala has the physical amenities and facilities necessary to ensure their ability to focus their energy on learning in Yeshiva.
Hanhala members of Yeshiva expressed their appreciation towards the new committee members for their commitment and dedication to support and help raise funds for the Yeshiva.
In honor of the upcoming יום התייסדות of Tomchei Temimim on 15 Elul, a fundraising campaign for the Yeshiva will be held from 15 Elul to 18 Elul / September 11-14.
All alumni and anash are cordially invited to join the yeshiva on this special day, in a monumental program aimed at fulfilling the Rebbe’s directive to join Tomchei Temimim on this auspicious day when which Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim was founded by the Rebbe Rashab.
“Tomchei Temimim is the backbone of every chosid, and the Rebbe notably referred to the Temimim not just as talmidim, but his own children,” the organizers said.
“We are reaching out in the name of Hanhalas Tomchei Temimim Hamerkazis and in the name of all the Temimim when we ask you to please help the Yeshiva develop and grow in a way that will be a true and genuine example of how it was envisioned, where bochurim have a real and authentic connection to the Rebbe, and lead their lives accordingly,” they said.
The new committee can be reached at [email protected]
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