New Torah Started in Memory of Miriam Shmueli

Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

Family and friends of Miriam Shmueli a”h gathered in Crown Heights on her first yahrzeit to begin writing a new Sefer Torah in her memory.

Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

Family and friends of Miriam Shmueli a”h gathered in Crown Heights on her first yahrzeit to begin writing a new Sefer Torah in her memory.

The event began with a special children’s program with Rabbi Levi Goldstein, where the children also got the chance to write a letter in the Sefer Torah.

Subsequently, family and friends gathered to write the first letters of the Torah and share divrei chizuk and memories of Miriam.

The main program where friends and family shared divrei chizuk and memories of Miriam, followed with writing the first letters of the Torah.

Miriam Shmueli passed away last year on Ches Iyar. Miriam was known as a ba’alas chesed who helped many mothers before, during and after giving birth as a Hypnobirthing specialist and doula. She was also a teacher in Bais Chaya Mushka and Bais Rivkah. 

She initiated many children programs including a unique girls davening program located in 770 to help guide them in their davening by teaching them Biur Tefila and how to follow along with a minyan. The success of this program encouraged schools to follow suit. 

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