New Students Welcomed With Honey and Cake

New students of Cheder Chabad Monsey who had celebrated their upsherin during the past few months, were welcomed to the Cheder with the customary annual areinfirenish.

New students of Cheder Chabad Monsey who had celebrated their upsherin during the past few months, were welcomed to the Cheder with the customary annual areinfirenish.

The children arrived in the hands of their fathers, wrapped in talleisim, and were greeted by the Cheder staff and administration.

The event was put together by Mrs. Light and Mrs. Bialestock, with all the customary trappings, including honey and candies, along with eggs and cake engraved with pesukim. The event was addressed by Rabbi Shusterman, who offered warm words about the occasion.

“We wish our talmidim much hatzlacha in their limud hatorah,” the Cheder administration said.

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