Listen: Two songs written for color war in Camp Gan Yisroel in Detroit this past summer convey the importance of hiskashrus to the Rebbe even in the age we can’t see or hear the Rebbe.
Two songs written for color war in Camp Gan Yisroel in Detroit this past summer convey the importance of hiskashrus to the Rebbe even in the age we can’t see or hear the Rebbe.
The two beautiful songs were professionally produced following the summer by Meir Sassonkin.
The first song, titled ‘A Prince in the Palace’, was created by Team Tzimaon (BMD). It is sung by Mendel Goldman and composed by Bentzion Strocks and Sholom Freedman.
The song for Team Lichyos (BMD) was composed by Levi Shemtov and is sung by Yankel Yelin and Moshe Vishedsky.
For a playlist with all the CGI Detroit song recordings from the recent years click here:
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