New Shluchim to Summit, New Jersey

Rabbi Mendy and Chana Marasow have been appointed by Rabbi Moshe Herson as the first shluchim to Summit, New Jersey, bringing the total of New Jersey Chabad Houses to 70.

The city of Summit, New Jersey now has its first Chabad Shliach.

A vibrant small city of over 23,000 has been a favored landing spot for young professionals and young families looking to settle down. Rabbi Mendy and Chana Marasow have opened up the first Chabad center, local to Summit, to cater to the growing Jewish population. “We are overwhelmed by the warm welcome,” they wrote in a social media post after their appointment, and that they are “excited to be here as a source of positivity, Torah, and light for every Jew.”

Their appointment is the culmination of over three years of planning together with Rabbi Moshe Herson, who heads Chabad of New Jersey. Rabbi Herson praised the Marasows in an email to the Chabad Shluchim in the state of New Jersey, writing that their dedication to creating a Jewish space and working through all the mandated due diligence is admirable. 

The new Chabad center in Summit, New Jersey brings the total of Chabad centers in the state of New Jersey to 70.

We wish them tremendous hatzlacha in their Shlichus!

If you would like to take part in their shlichus, please donate at:

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