New Shluchim to Centennial Hills, Las Vegas, NV

Among the bright lights of Las Vegas, a new chapter is about to unfold – Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Schanowitz, along with their daughter Hinda, will be moving to open a new Chabad Center in Centennial Hills.

As the vibrant city of Las Vegas continues to welcome new residents from all walks of life, the Chabad community is making its mark in this ever-growing metropolis. Among the bustling neighborhoods and bright lights of Las Vegas, a new chapter is about to unfold – Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Schanowitz, along with their daughter Hinda, will be moving to open a new Chabad Center in Centennial Hills.

Centennial Hills is a relatively new community established in the early 2000s. The neighborhood is located just a short drive from downtown Las Vegas – the distance from the Strip offers a quieter, suburban lifestyle, which is attractive to the many who call this neighborhood home. It is known for its natural beauty and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.

Appointed by Los Vegas Shliach Rabbi Shea Harlig, and approved by West Coast Head Shliach Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, the Schanowitzes will provide the community with adult education opportunities, youth programming, shabbos meals and services, and holiday celebrations.

The new shluchim will host periodic events, some community-wide and others specifically catering to adults, women, or children. Additionally, they will offer social services, including but not limited to hospital visitations and challah deliveries and being available for anyone in need.

Visit to partner in this new Shlichus.

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