New Shluchim to Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rabbi Chanine and Sari Grunblatt are moving on shlichus to Bajo Belgrano, a new and developing neighborhood in Buenos Aires, which is home to hundreds of Jewish families.

Rabbi Chanine and Sari Grunblatt are moving on shlichus to Argentina to create a new Chabad in the Bajo Belgrano neighborhood in Buenos Aires.

Bajo Belgrano is a new and developing neighborhood in Buenos Aires, and in recent years, hundreds of Jewish families have moved there.

Upon initiating their new Shlichus, the Grunblatt’s set themselves the goal of establishing a warm Jewish Center that will be a home for every Jew, and will spread the light and joy of the Torah and mitzvot throughout.

For the first time on the streets of the neighborhood, dozens of Jews heard the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, blessed the Daled Minim on Sukkos, participated in the reading of the Megillah on Purim and the reading of the Aseres Hadibros on Shavuos. Approximately 250 Chanukah candles were distributed on Chanukah, a gigantic central Menorah was lit, and over 300 families received Shmura Matzah for Pesach.

“Shabbat prayers, Kiddush, and Torah classes are just some of our activities,” said Rabbi Grunblatt. “We plan to continue and expand our programs, reaching more and more Jews.”

Click here to be part of this great undertaking!

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