New Shluchim to Boston Suburbs of Beverly and Salem

Rabbi Mendel and Fraidy Barber, along with their three children, will be establishing Chabad of Beverly and Salem, the fifth Chabad House in the North Shore region of Massachusetts.

By reporter

Rabbi Mendel and Fraidy (nee Rosenblum) Barber, along with their three children, will be establishing Chabad of Beverly and Salem, the fifth Chabad House in the North Shore region of Massachusetts.

Mendel grew up in Crown Heights and attended yeshiva Oholei Torah, Baltimore, and Los Angles. During his years as a bochur he traveled on Merkos Shlichus to Mancora, Peru; Hilo, Hawaii; Antwerp, Belgium; and S. Diego, CA. After his marriage he served as a principal in Oholei Torah elementary for two years.

Fraidy grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, where her parents Rabbi Yossi and Chani Rosenblum serve as shluchim. She served as a shlucha in Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh, and worked in Gan Yisroel day camps in Ukraine and Italy. For the last 6 years, she worked at Chabad on Campus assisting shluchim to receive grants for their vital work.

The new Chabad House will service the Boston suburbs of Beverly and Salem, where 2500 Jews are waiting to connect to their Jewish souls.

Beverly is a resort, residential, and manufacturing community on the Massachusetts North Shore, and is one of the two rivals for the title of being the “birthplace of the U.S. Navy”.

Salem is a historic coastal city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States, located on the North Shore of Greater Boston. Once known for the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692, today Salem is a residential and tourist area that is home to attractions and museums.

The new shluchim were appointed by Rabbi Yossi Lipsker, Head shliach of Chabad of the North Shore, and will be the fifth Chabad center in the region.

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