New Service Allows Ordering an Uber by Phone

Do you or your family members ever need a ride without access to a smartphone? With Tremp car ordering service, they can order an Uber with a regular phone, while you keep track of the trips.

Did your son miss his early morning bus? Is your daughter running an errand for Pesach? Are you busy ordering Ubers for your kids?

With Tremp car ordering service, they can order an Uber with a home or flip phone, while you keep track of the trips.

Tremp’s partnership with Uber enables ordering an Uber by texting or speaking with Tremp’s virtual phone agent. In just a few minutes they can be on their way.

Setting up their phone is as simple as calling Tremp at 732-799-6001 and entering your credit card information. Then all your child has to do is text the word ride or call and provide the pickup and drop-off address.

Tremp will respond with the available options and fares. Confirm your choice of car and a car will be dispatched and you and your child will get a notification with the driver’s name, number, and ETA. You can also receive a link to track the entire trip so you know your child is safe and when they arrive. Upon ride completion, your card will be charged the fare plus a minimal 10% fee.

The system is entirely automated. No need to speak to an agent. Tremp is fast, dependable, and efficient, getting you wherever you need to go in a short amount of time.  

You can easily create an account by calling 732-799-6001 with a debit/credit card. Text Ride or call 732-799-6001 for a quote. 

What are you waiting for? Tremp an Uber now!

For more information, visit


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