New Radio Plays Chassidishe Nigunim 24/6

A new website,, provides a wide collection of niggunim with their history and background, as well as a 24/6 Niggunei Chabad Radio streaming geshmakeh authentic chassidishe niggunim.

A new website,, provides a wide collection of niggunim with their history and background, as well as a 24/6 Niggunei Chabad Radio streaming geshmakeh authentic chassidishe niggunim.

The founders of the website had noticed that many were listening to “Jewish” and even “Chassidic” music which were leaning toward foreign styles and it’s been hard to find a platform of authentic Chabad Niggunim. They decided therefore to launch a platform with Chabad Niggunim with all different styles and knowing the background to them. is a website that offers a vast and organized collection of Chabad niggunim for anyone who wants to tune in to niggunim and know them right with their background story. This website is created and maintained by a team of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about preserving and sharing the heritage of Chabad music.

On, you can find hundreds of niggunim categorized by type, occasion, composer, and theme. You can also search for niggunim by name, keyword, or melody. Each niggun has a detailed description that includes its history, meaning, source, and variations. You can also listen to high-quality recordings of the niggunim performed by various singers and choirs, as well as watch videos of live performances and lectures.

The website is in the process of being designed and updated. So make sure to keep checking back for new content and updates.

The Niggunei Chabad team just launched “Niggunei Chabad Radio” streaming geshmakeh authentic Chassidishe Niggunim, fast and slow, 24/6.

Check it out at

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  1. I personally began to tune into their radio and the niggunim are just geshmak! Very refreshing for today’s day and age
    I also really enjoy the research available on their website, really fascinating

  2. Such a great resource!
    It’s so nice to learn the background of niggunim by scrolling through the website. They include many unique and uncommon niggunim and each is explained in such a thorough way.
    Really appreciate this resource and recommend!

  3. For the sake of people who only have whitelisted websites, please embed the nigunim in the website itself, otherwise if it is a youtube link or the like it will not work!
    Thank you very much!

    1. Hi there,
      Please note that “whitelist” filters have not been approved by Rabonim as they are both easy to get around and can’t filter not Tzniyus pictures.
      I recommend using Techloq for example. They do allow me to watch to embedded videos.

      Thank you for your concern.

      1. A simple solution is to only permit websites with tznius pictures then there obviously is no issue.
        So it would be nice to accommodate people with such kind of filters

  4. I really encourage all the stores in crown heights to play this source, it would really add a atmosphere to the Shcuna, especially all playing the same thing at once. Amazing!

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