New Podcast Explores Chassidim and Their Niggunim 

A new podcast by Rabbi Moshe Weinfeld from Toronto, Canada explores the rich history and deep meaning of Chassidim and their niggunim.

A new podcast by Rabbi Moshe Weinfeld from Toronto, Canada explores the rich history and deep meaning of Chassidim and their niggunim.

Throughout the centuries, Chassidishe niggunim played an integral role in the avodas hashem of a chossid. In the words of Hayom Yom “A chassidisher niggun fortifies hope and bitachon, brings joyousness, and places the home and family in a state of light…”

Episode 1. Hatzileini Noh: An old chassidishe Niggun dated all the way back to the times of Talmidei Hamagid. Passed down in Chassidus chabad, Karlin and Slonim.

Ep. 2. Der Zebiner Hartz: Hear Reb Mendel Furtefas’s explanation to the origins of this Niggun followed by the recording from the Nichoiach and the way Reb Zalmen Bronshtein sings it on a Tefiloh from the Yomim Noiroim.

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