New Platform Connects Chabad Hebrew Schools and Potential Staff

Aiming to address the age-old challenge of finding and retaining top-quality teachers for Hebrew schools, CKids at Merkos 302 has launched a game-changing Hebrew School Directory.

Aiming to address the age-old challenge faced by Shluchim in finding and retaining top-quality teachers for their Hebrew schools, CKids at Merkos 302 has launched a game-changing Hebrew School Directory that promises to solve that challenge. But how did this platform come to be, and how will it change Shluchim’s hiring process?

It began with a simple request from Mrs. Goldie Avtzon, the Shlucha of Hong Kong. After numerous postings and searching for a list of Sunday Hebrew schools in the Tri-State area for her daughter, she reached out to CKids to inquire if such a resource existed. This seemingly straightforward inquiry sparked a realization within the CKids team—there had to be a way to address a widespread issue faced by Shluchim worldwide.

Chaya Zirkind, CKids Hebrew School Director, shared her personal connection to this project, “When my aunt reached out to me, I was reminded of my own struggles in finding a Hebrew School that matched my seminary schedule. I recalled the challenges of navigating Crown Heights as an out-of-towner and wished for a centralized list instead of relying on word of mouth, research, and job postings. Now, we have the opportunity to make it easier for both Shluchim and prospective teachers.”  

Building on the success of their summer camp directory, which effectively matched camps with counselors, CKids embarked on streamlining the process of connecting teachers with Shluchim. Recognizing the burden of endless postings, resumes, research, and interviews, the team aimed to alleviate this strain on Shluchim, enabling them to focus instead on building their Hebrew schools. 

The CKids Hebrew School Directory, developed in collaboration with Shluchim, is a comprehensive platform that showcases all relevant information about their schools and connects Shluchim with teachers who meet their Hebrew schools’ specific needs. Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302, highlights its transformative impact, stating, “This directory not only benefits Shluchim, but it will have a ripple effect on Jewish children around the world by matching them with the best-fit teachers.”

Shlucha Mrs. Yehudis Cohen from Loudoun County, VA., shares her excitement, stating, “This directory is a game-changer for Shluchim. With a wider pool of dedicated candidates willing to travel, we can move beyond local options. We eagerly anticipate welcoming talented, frum teachers to our school. It’s truly a dream come true!”

A Different Kind of Directory 

The new directory also benefits teachers, empowering them to explore different Hebrew schools. With an extensive filtering and tagging system in place, teachers can discover available teaching positions that align to their skills, values, and availability. Teachers can apply directly from the site and Shluchim can update their listing when positions have been filled.  This seamless interaction ensures that teachers can get placed easily. 

With plans to extensively promote the directory in all frum locations and through the central CKids website, Shluchim can look forward to a robust network of talented teachers who are eager to contribute to their Shlichus. Expressing CKids’ core values, Chaya Zirkind emphasizes, “The real heroes of this story are the Shluchim and their dedicated teachers who play a vital role in transforming lives and strengthening families’ connection to Yiddishkeit. We recognize the power of a good teacher and we are excited to fulfill this crucial need for Shluchim.”

To apply for a Chabad Hebrew School position, visit

To sign up as a Shliach, visit

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