New Monthly Has Something for Everyone

The new ‘Siach Chassidim’ publication offers multiple reading options, from in-depth explanations on the Parsha, to short vertlach, stories and lessons from farbrengens and writings about chassidim – providing something for everyone.

Heichel Menachem of Boro Park has begun a new project to bring the ohr of Chassidus and the teachings of Rebbe to all.

Gilyon ‘Siach Chassidim’ is a unique and rich publication. Offering multiple reading options, from in-depth explanations on the Parsha to shorter verter, lessons from farbrengens and stories about chassidim, it has something for everyone.

With varied columns, there is a strong common denominator to them all; each one bringing out a rich, profound chassidishe gedank.

Siach Chassidim is distributed in Boro Park and Kensington.
For comments or to receive the gilyon by email, contact [email protected].

Click here to download the newest issue.

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