New Mikvah and Tanya Honor Memory of Head Shlucha

The Miami Gardens community gathered this week to lay the cornerstone for the city’s first mikvah and print a new Tanya, dedicated in memory of Florida’s Head Shlucha Rebbetzin Rivka Korf a”h.

By Yosef Abramov

The excitement was so palpable that you could lean on it. A young community got together to inaugurate the building of the very first Mikvah in the city of Miami Gardens. The Mikvah will be dedicated in memory of Rebbetzin Rivka Korf a”h, wife of yblch”t Rabbi Avraham Korf, Head Shliach to the state of Florida. 

“My shlichus in Florida is all because of her,” Rabbi Korf said at his emotional address to honor this occasion. “The Rebbe sent me here in her zechus and I am honored to be here commemorating the inauguration of the Mikvah in her honor.” 

Not even 3 years have passed since  Rabbi Shalom and Mrs. Eliyah Kleinman moved to Miami Gardens and established a shul, kids programs, daily minyanim, shiurim, fabrengens and shabbattons. 

“In this community every family is a shliach!” Rabbi Kleinman reiterated in his talk. “Shlichus is a lifestyle and because each family here lives with the shlichus mindset therefore it is the warm and active community that it is.”

“Lets dig!” announced the kids as they grabbed the 50 shovels prepared to start construction. Who laid down the cornerstone? The children. Each family decorated a memorable “time capsule”  cornerstone which the children set up on the grounds of the soon to be built Mikva. 

Rabbi A. Korf took the opportunity to tour the shul and expressed how impressed he was with the community’s achievements and growth. He blessed the community for continued exponential growth in all matters material and spiritual. 

The simcha was doubled with the first printing of the Tanya in Miami Gardens. Rabbi Brody, shliach of Fisher Island, was honored to print the Tanya. 

The Mikvah Inauguration Celebration was a beautiful event enjoyed by all. 

Photography Credits: Pinchos Vorst
And helpers Mendy Schapiro and Moshe Myer-Smith.

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