A new mesivta, led by Shliach Rabbi Bentzion Chanowitz, will be opening this coming year in Monticello, New York, which founders say is close enough to visit Crown Heights, but far enough to be out of town.
When Rabbi Binyamin Mills was looking into various options for the right city to host his new yeshiva, he was directed to Rabbi Bentzion Chanowitz of Monticello, who has been looking for the right person to bring a yeshiva to his Makom Hashlichus for many years.
Rabbi Mills feels the location is perfect. “We are creating a yeshiva close enough to be able to visit the Rebbe often, yet with the special avir that comes from an out of town yeshiva, where the bochurim are able to be surrounded by G-dliness and devoted to learning.”
According to Rabbi Chanowitz, “Monticello has a large and growing Litvish and Vishnitz community, and there’s a tremendous thirst and openness to Chabad Chassidus among them. The yeshiva will also serve as a center for spreading Chassidus throughout the community.”
The yeshiva place of learning will be located in Rabbi Chanowitz’s beautiful historic shul, with on campus dorms and mikvah. Rabbi Chanowitz, a well known Rov and halachic author, will lead the yeshiva.
Rabbi Mills will be the Menahel Ruchni. Rabbi Mills has years of experience in chinuch. As a bochur he learned for several years in Brunoy, and is looking to create the yeshiva in such a way that it fosters the geshmak and simcha in kabolos ol found in the Rebbe’s teachings.
Rabbi Mills says “We want our bochurim to know that being 100% devoted to fulfilling the Rebbe’s ratzon, is not chas veshalom a burden, but on the contrary, gives you the greatest possible joy, and enables you to be the best you that you can be.”
The Yeshiva’s mashpia will be Rabbi Mendy Karp, who has years of experience in chinuch, and is known for his passionate down to earth style of explaining Chassidus and his intense devotion to his talmidim. Rabbi Karp’s teaching experience and warmth make him an especially qualified teacher for the Mesivta age.
Rabbi Karp says his goal is that “every talmid should graduate his class knowing that the Rebbe is his personal Rebbe, and sees Chassidus as the most practical and powerful guide for living a successful life.”
Rabbi Berel Polityko will be the maggid shiur for Gemara. He is known for his engaging intelligence which he uses to connect strongly with his talmidim. His unique blend of broad knowledge and compassion are ideal ingredients for inspiring learning in younger age bochurim.
Rabbi Polityko has worked with bochurim of various ages in different types of yeshivos, as well as traditional shlichus outreach. This broad range of experience gives him the insight and ability to relate to and empathetically understand his talmidim.
The yeshiva is geared for bochurim who are serious about learning and avodas Hashem, and could benefit from a yeshiva where every talmid is given the personal hadracha that they need to maximize their potential as a tomim, in every sense of the word.
For more information see yeshivamonticello.com or email [email protected].
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