New Mesivta for English Speakers to Open in Kfar Chabad

A new Mesivta for English speaking bochurim will open up this coming year in Kfar Chabad, the nerve center of Lubavitch in Eretz Yisroel, led by menahel Rabbi Dovid Barber and a team of English speaking mashpi’im and magidei shiurim.

A new Mesivta for English speaking bochurim will open up this coming year in Kfar Chabad, the nerve center of Lubavitch in Eretz Yisroel, led by menahel Rabbi Dovid Barber and a team of English speaking mashpi’im and magidei shiurim. sat down with Rabbi Barber to hear who the new Mesivta is geared to, its goals, and what will make it stand out in the Chabad Yeshiva scene. What is unique about this Mesivta?

Rabbi Barber: This Mesivta aims to serve an ever- growing need within the English speaking Anash community in Eretz Yisroel, who are looking for a chassidishe Mesivta with more of an interactive and engaging style of learning for their son.  The Mesivta is also catering for bochurim overseas looking for this type of yeshivah. What type of bochur is this Mesivta catering to?

Rabbi Barber: We are catering to bochurim who want to grow and thrive in their learning and chassidishkeit, and who are looking for a place that will give them both personal guidance, and the tools that they need to be matzliach. What is the goal of this Yeshivah?

Rabbi Barber: To nurture each bochur’s interest in learning; to help them develop a geshmak in learning Torah, to teach them necessary skills to learn on their own; and to guide each bochur individually in their personal growth. We aim to help each bochur become self motivated – ‘שלהבת עולה מאליה’ (see ספר השיחות ה’תנש”א page 603). Chinuch literally means ‘dedication’ as in חנוכת המזבח. Our goal is to be מחנך – to help each bochur dedicate himself to his unique and individual  שליחות. Can you describe how you hope to accomplish the goals that you have mentioned?

Rabbi Barber: There are a few ways that we plan to do this:

  1. The learning will be engaging, in a way that will not only make sure that each bochur understands the subject at hand, but will also give them the skills needed to learn on their own. 
  2. We aim to help each bochur find their own מה שליבו חפץ in Torah, and will be setting aside specific time to build and encourage that interest. This is obviously in addition to learning Nigle and Chassidus in sedorim together with everyone 
  3. As we know, davening is a crucial and central part of our avodas Hashem. It strongly affects our Yiras Shamayim, middos tovos, Hiskashrus etc – this is clearly pointed out in multiple sources and can be seen in practice. As we often daven out of routine, without realising that in order to be able to daven in a way that really affects us internally, we need to be guided and taught how to daven properly
    Therefore, we will be having a special shiur on Pirush Hamilos – the simple meaning of the words, together with some insights of Chassidus, together with practical guidance that is relevant to Mesivta age bochurim.
  4. One to one talks on a regular basis, together with meaningful group farbrengens – both with staff and various guest speakers – will definitely play a major role in each bochur’s development. Where in Kfar Chabad is the Yeshivah located?

Rabbi Barber: Our Yeshiva is in a two storey villa with a large porch. There is a warm, heimishe atmosphere, where the bochurim feel at home.

It is worth noting that Kfar Chabad is a one of a kind place…a Chassidisher village from the people to the street names. There really is a very special feeling, that is unlike any other place. Will there be any trips/Shabbatons?

Rabbi Barber: Occasionally. These will be something the bochurim will earn. There will be regular swimming and sports. In addition there will be bicycles for each bochur for his own convenience, whether for going to the mikva in the morning, going to the store, or just biking around the Kfar during breaks. Note – leaving the Kfar without permission is strictly prohibited. Who are the staff members? 

Rabbi Barber: Menhal Ruchni is Rabbi Dovid Barber
Maggid Shiur Nigle –  Rabbi Zalmen Torenheim
(Additional Maggid Shiur Nigle to be announced)

Mashpia – Rabbi Doniel Cohen
Mashpia – Rabbi Yosef Farkash
Mashgiach –  Rabbi Nuchum Rabiski

We also have the privilege of local English speakers in Kfar Chabad who have much to share, who will farbreng with the bochurim. In addition, there will be Iy”H special shiurim and farbrengens by guest speakers from around the country.

To apply please visit our website

Contact Info: [email protected] +97258 770 6927 / USA +1516 243 1108


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