New Lubavitch Cheder opens in South Florida

What began last year as a Cheder of 35 students, founded by Shluchim and Anash in Palm Beach County, Florida, has grown with leaps and bounds, and currently has over 120 students under the leadership of directors Rabbi Aharon and Chaya Matusof.

What began last year as a Cheder of 35 students, founded by Shluchim and Anash in Palm Beach County, Florida, has grown to a Moisad with 120+ students. The directors, Rabbi Aharon and Chaya Matusof, credit Cheder Chabad’s success to a focus on recruitment of the most talented and devoted staff and the involvement and support of the parent body.

In recent months as many Anash families flock to Florida, they are gratified to find a Chassidishe Moisad Chinuch that is warm and nurturing, a place where children are excited and engaged in Yiddishkeit and learning. In the words of Cheder parents: “We love the calm atmosphere, the relaxed environment, and the incredible smiles. We appreciate how our children’s teachers are looking out for them as human beings, not merely as students. The kids have room to grow, to think, to be individuals.” Another parent expressed, “I love how my kids are excited to go to school every morning. I love the pride in my kids’ voices when they say, “we go to Cheder Chabad!”

When you reflect back on your own schooling, it is likely that you can pinpoint one teacher or one grade that was a positive turning point for you. Perhaps the teacher took the time to understand you or the methodologies he or she employed were engaging and memorable. At Cheder Chabad Florida, we strive to make every year a generative, positive experience for our precious Talmidim.

Bezras Hashem, enrollment is projected to double in the coming school year. Please take part in strengthening this new Moisad Chinuch and have the Zechus of enhancing the Chinuch of Anash & Shluchim kinder by donating here:

Click here to donate.

You can visit to learn more about the Cheder.



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