New Kids Video Teaches Alef Beis Using Song

Watch: The Shain children sing and perform an upbeat song teaching the Alef Bais.

The Alef-Beis are the building blocks of creation and of Jewish life. In honor of their son Chaim’s Upsherin, the Shain family produced a new upbeat Alef-Beis song for all to enjoy.

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Lyrics & Vocals by: The Shains
Music by: Music Studio NYC


When the world was created
And at every moment
Hashem has used the Alef-Beis
To make everything in it

Alef is for Avraham
The father of the yidden
Beis is for Baruch
Ata Hashem

Gimmel’s the Geulah
Moshiach will soon bring
Daled is for Davening
When we talk to our king

Hey is for Har Sinai
Where we got our holy Torah
Vov is Veohavta
Lireacha Kamocha

Zayin is for Zaidy
Ches is for Chanuka
Tes for Tallis
Yud for Yarmulka

Kaf is for Kaporos
Lamed is for Latkes
And Mem is for
many Mitzvos

Nun is for Neshama
The spark that is inside
Samach is for Siddur
Where the words all come alive

Ayin is for Esser
That is the number ten
Pey is for Peyos
The corners for Hashem

Tzaddik’s for Tzedaka
To help the poor at any time
Kuf is for Kiddush
A special cup of wine

Resh is for Refuah
Sheleima to all who need
Shin is for Shabbos
The best day of the week

Sin is for Simcha
Tav is for Torah
Tziva Lanu Moshe
Morasha Kehillas Yaakov

Sin is for Simcha
Tav is for Torah
Tziva Lanu Moshe
Morasha Kehillas Yaakov


So let’s all learn the Alef-Beis
The letters of the Torah
They’ll help us read our
Siddur, Chumash, Mishna, and Gemara

Alef is for Avraham
The father of the yidden
Beis is for Baruch
Ata Hashem

Gimmel’s the Geulah
Moshiach will soon bring
Daled is for Davening
When we talk to our king

Hey is for Har Sinai
Where we got our holy Torah
Vov is Veohavta
Lireacha Kamocha

Zayin is for Zaidy
Ches is for Chanuka
Tes for Tallis
Yud for Yarmulka

Kaf is for Kaporos
Lamed is for Latkes
And Mem is for
many Mitzvos

Nun is for Neshama
The spark that is inside
Samach is for Siddur
Where the words all come alive

Ayin is for Esser
That is the number ten
Pey is for Peyos
The corners for Hashem

Tzaddik’s for Tzedaka
To help the poor at any time
Kuf is for Kiddush
A special cup of wine

Resh is for Refuah
Sheleima to all who need
Shin is for Shabbos
The best day of the week

Sin is for Simcha
Tav is for Torah
Tziva Lanu Moshe
Morasha Kehillas Yaakov

Sin is for Simcha
Tav is for Torah
Tziva Lanu Moshe
Morasha Kehillas Yaakov


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