New Haven Zal Takes 2-Hour Eruv Tour with Local Expert

This past week, a group of bochurim from the New Haven Zal were seen walking around the neighborhood, their heads craned upwards as they inspected thin wires strung on poles across the city.

By reporter

This past week, a group of bochurim from the New Haven Zal were seen walking around the neighborhood, their heads craned upwards as they inspected thin wires strung on poles across the city.

They were taking an eruv tour with local expert, Rabbi Shneur Roth, who serves as the Head of Inspections of the New Haven Eruv. The New Haven Eruv, which surrounds only a few blocks of the suburban area, has the unique advantage that it was able to be built according to the Alter Rebbe’s rulings, something which is generally not possible in bigger cities.

For the past month, the bochurim have been learning the intricate and complex laws of Eruvin. They recently completed their studies on the topic and successfully passed their tests on the material, but had yet to see the practical application of the laws. Now, as they walked through the sunny New Haven streets for 2 hours, the bochurim saw how the halachos they had learned were applied in real life.

“The bochurim exceeded my expectations in their grasp of the sugyos,” their teacher, Rabbi Chanoch Bistitzky, told “Even though the topic is very complex and detailed, they did very well. The eruv tour brought it all together and made it tangible. It was a very successful adventure.”

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  1. Thanks for sharing this article. We have also taken groups from our Kollel and the Day Schools over the years to bring the Halachos of Eruvin to life. The students and their teachers are always uplifted when they see the principles of this segment of Halacha actualized in the physical world.
    Dr. Jesse Hefter, President, Greater Boston Eruv Corporation,

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