After studying the Rebbe’s sicha where he spoke about the UN’s ‘Isaiah Wall’ bochurim from the New Haven Mesivta took a trip to visit the wall for themselves.
Bochurim from New Haven Mesivta have recently been putting a particular focus on learning the sicha of Mishpotim 5752, where the Rebbe explains that we can already begin to see the fulfillment of the nevua “They shall beat their swords into plowshares.” from sefer Yeshiyahu.
On Friday, while traveling to the Rebbe for Shabbos, shiur alef stopped at the United Nations building. Here the bochurim learned a part of the sicha near the infamous “Isaiah Wall” which bears the inscription of the nevuah the Rebbe is discussing in the sicha. Learning a part of the sicha at the wall with the inscribed words will surely make the learning of this sicha more memorable.
You can see videos of the bochurim’s visit to the wall below:
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