New Hampshire Governor Pays Visit to Local Chabad

The governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, visited the Chabad Center of Jewish Living in Manchester, New Hampshire, and praised the work Chabad does throughout the state.

The governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, visited the Chabad Center of Jewish Living in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Tuesday, April 4th.

He met with the head shliach Rabbi Levi Krinsky, based in Manchester, Rabbi Moshe Leib Gray of Chabad at Dartmouth (Hanover) and Rabbi Berel Slavaticki of Chabad of the Seacoast (Durham).

Governor Sununu shared that he was pleased to sign the proclamation, proclaiming April 2nd as Education and Sharing Day in honor of the Rebbe’s 121st birthday. He commented that there is growing apathy in the state towards faith based activities, yet the three Chabad centers in the state seem to only be expanding and growing.

Rabbi Krinsky gave the governor a tour of the Chabad building, including the future site of the state of the art Mikva, slated to be the first year-round Mikva in New Hampshire. The Rabbi’s also presented the governor with a box of Shmurah Matzah.

In discussion about the rampant BDS movement on college campuses both at Dartmouth and UNH, Governor Sununu pledged his support and participation in joining Rabbi Gray and Rabbi Slavaticki to combat the growing misinformation that has infiltrated.

The governor said he commends all the great work Chabad is doing throughout the state, and that he looks forward to watching the continued growth.

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