New Faculty Enhances Student Life at Bais Chana

The first mosad to be given permission by the Rebbe to use Rebbetzin Chana’s name, Bais Chana in Orange, Connecticut, nurtures each girl as she benefits from individualized attention and a small student body.

Bais Chana Academy High School is a hidden gem in Orange, Connecticut. A school where students thrive in the hands of experienced, caring teachers and are motivated to achieve academically, Bais Chana nurtures each girl as she benefits from individualized attention and a small student body. Students develop pride as Bnos Chabad as they work closely with vibrant Bnos Chabad leaders.

The first mosad to be given permission by the Rebbe to use Rebbetzin Chana’s name after her histalkus, Bais Chana proudly continues instilling a practical understanding and appreciation for what limud hachasidus and darcei hachasidus add to everyday life.

Mrs. Mirel Laufer, who joined the Bais Chana staff this year as Bnos Advisor/mechaneches, was extremely successful in empowering the girls to lead and coordinate many exciting Bnos Chabad activities. Students gained confidence as they expressed their unique talents and were encouraged to maximize their potential. Mrs. Laufer, a veteran educator who has been in chinuch for twenty years in different capacities, has infused Bais Chana with a new chayus, working one-on-one with each student, ensuring her happiness and success.

For 5785, a limited number of openings are available for out-of-town students to benefit from Bais Chana’s amazingly wholesome, Chassidishe environment. Call to find out more about Bais Chana; a school where students blossom, teachers engage and inspire, and parents are thrilled to have their daughters in the hands of dedicated role models.

Call TODAY! Mrs. Bluma Hecht, principal – 203-795-5261 and/or Mrs. Mirel Laufer, Bnos Advisor/Mechaneches – 401-451-5677, and discover the difference a Bais Chana education can make!

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