New Derher Column Dusts Off Old Classics

The Derher magazine recently introduced ‘Timely Titles’ – a new feature that will spotlight selected books every month, to enrich, enhance, and inspire further reading.

Throughout over two hundred years of its existence, Chabad Chassidus has produced a substantial amount of written works. In addition to the Chassidus directly transmitted by the Rebbeim, we are also blessed with a significant selection of tangential Chabad literature. These books address a vast array of topics and include many scholarly Torah or Halachic sefarim, thematic works in Chassidus, historical accounts, biographies, journals, and more.

Some of these books are easily accessible but unfortunately do not receive the attention they deserve. Left to gather dust on the bookshelf, these books sit lonely, the masses unaware of the wealth of information that sits within reach.

Enter ‘Timely Titles‘, the newest column in the popular magazine ‘A Chassidisher Derher’. Every month another book from the Chabad canon will be featured, its contents explored and its history unearthed. A cross between a book review, a Wikipedia page, and an advertorial, this fascinating column is sure to compel further reading.

Timely Titles‘ will spotlight a book that is connected to an event or theme of that particular month. The column is comprised of: an introduction to the subject addressed by the book, ‘Overview’ – a synopsis and detailed breakdown of the book, and ‘Background’ – necessary context of the book’s history, development, and reception.

In order to offer the reader a taste of the book, the section ‘A Leaf From The Book’ will provide a curated sample of two pages from the book, with some helpful narration in the margins.

To date, two books have been featured. For the month of Tishrei – ‘Klalei Rashi’, and for the month of Cheshvan – ‘Beis Rebbi’.

If you would like to suggest a particular book to feature in upcoming months, as well as if you have any comments or feedback, please email [email protected].

Click here to download a free PDF of Timely Titles – Beis Rebbi.

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