New Daily Moshiach Inspiration Delivered Straight to Your Phone

In honor of Hakhel, a daily broadcast will deliver beautiful, simple, and concise ideas relating to Moshiach directly to your phone. An audio version will be available on all podcast platforms.

With the approach of Rosh Hashana and the start of this unique Hakhel year, many seek to renew their connection and dedication to the mission of the present time in Dor Hashvii.  The Rebbe guaranteed that learning about Moshiach would bring about his imminent arrival.  With this in mind, a new initiative has been launched to facilitate the study of Moshiach and Geula-related topics. 

The Daily Boost, a project of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, will deliver a clear and concise idea about Moshiach directly to your phone. Culled from numerous sources in the Rebbe’s Torah, the thoughts are presented in a bite-size and easily understandable format. The messages and ideas from the original sources have been reworked and developed to be appreciated and inspirational for all. 

“Many who wish to learn about Moshiach are hindered by their inability to access the ideas directly from the source,” explained Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, Director of the Moshiach Office. “Our goal is to make the ideas of Moshiach as accessible as possible. The Daily Boost offers authentic Moshiach concepts in a language, style, and format that all can understand. Moshiach should be available to everyone, regardless of their background or ability to learn Sichos and Maamorim.”

An audio version will also be available daily on all podcast platforms, further widening its accessibility for those that prefer an auditory experience. 

Beautifully designed and simple to read or hear, the Daily Boost can be incorporated into any part of your daily routine. While commuting to work, at the dinner table, or with your morning coffee, a boost of Moshiach energy can seamlessly fit into your schedule. The thoughts are very relatable and can be easily applied in a practical manner.

Each month, the Boost will explore a different area of Moshiach. The topics will primarily be based on the time of year and upcoming Yomim Tovim. The significance of special dates on the Jewish and Chasidishe calendar will be discussed through the lens of the Geulah. 

The focus of Tishrei will be on the essence of Moshiach.  The basic principles of Moshiach will be discussed, identifying the core of what defines Moshiach, as well as its relevance to Hakhel and the Yomin Tovim throughout the month. 

You may receive the Daily Boost by subscribing to the broadcast at


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