New Column Offers A Simple Guide to a Chassidisher Kislev

To help fulfill the Rebbe’s call of hamaseh hu ha’iker, A Chassidisher Derher has recently introduced a new column to their popular magazine, highlighting some of the hora’os the Rebbe gave pertaining to the dates of each month.

The Rebbe taught us many times that one of the most important forms of hiskashrus is kiyum hora’osav—following the Rebbe’s instructions.

At every sicha and farbrengen, the bottom line of it all is always a directive from the Rebbe: whether increasing in Torah and mitzvos in general or regarding a specific action.

To that end, A Chassidisher Derher has recently introduced a new column to their popular magazine –  Hamaseh Hu Ha’iker, highlighting some of the hora’os the Rebbe gave pertaining to the dates of each month.

Ahead of the month of Kislev, the new Hamaseh Hu Ha’iker column has been made available, highlighting some of the hora’os the Rebbe gave pertaining to the dates of the month. 

The Rebbe once noted that due to the many Yomim Tovim in this month, the entire month is considered one Yom Tov, to the extent that the month of Cheshvan can be called Erev

Yom Tov (even though Cheshvan doesn’t even contain one Yom Tov).

Please enjoy this free resource, sure to be valuable and inspiring.

Click here to download the PDF.

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