New Chinuch Publication on Raising Children for Life

A publication with the Rebbe’s guidance for raising pure children was released by Anash Chinuch, including gorgeous artwork and insightful guidance.

So much work goes into educating our children, forming them like clay in the hands of a sculptor, setting foundations for life. What a responsibility! We must pause to ask: What is our goal? What do we want to accomplish? What are the main values we hope to instill?

Teaching a child to trust in Hashem despite challenges they face will not come as easily. Forming good middos, Torah values, ahavas Hashem,and yiras Hashem will take effort to ingrain, and the time to impress these is while the child is young, easily moldable, their character is being established.

Any time we need guidance in life, the first thing a chossid does is turn to the Rebbe. Read everything the Rebbe said about the priorities of chinuch in “Raising Pure Hearts and Minds: Preparing Our Children for Life.”

Raising Pure Hearts and MindsClick here to download

For a professional print version, click here

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